Things happen. Summer temperatures can rise significantly and cause air conditioning units to break down. This is never fun when the heat is oppressive! Sadly, if the heat gets that bad, chances are it’s happening to a large number of others in your area as well. In that case your HVAC technician is going to be hopping all over the place trying to repair everyone’s systems.
While every HVAC company and contractor is trying to get to everyone as fast as possible, often times you may have to wait a few hours or longer until your unit can be repaired. Instead of suffering and being in grave discomfort, these suggestions can help you handle the heat until your a/c unit is up and running efficiently again.
How To Stay Cool When Your A/C Breaks Down
Drink Water – This is the first and most important piece of advice you can follow. Intense heat can cause your body’s core temperature to need help regulating itself. Drinking water keeps everything balanced and helps prevent complications of dehydration such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Water, Icees, Slushies, Popsicles – it all works in keeping you cool.
Less Clothing Or Wet Options – Dress as comfortably as possible. Layers are the worst thing you can do so go lighter. Linens and cottons are perfect for breathability and warding off moisture. Sleeping can be troublesome in extreme heat so try to use keep cool by soaking your top sheet, wringing out excess water and using it as a damp cloth to sleep under. You can even place a damp cloth on your forehead or the back of your neck to try and lower your body temperature.
No Physical Activity – You may be an active person but you will need to curb that in extreme heat. Exercising, playing sports or any other strenuous activity can cause heat stroke or exhaustion. Put those events on the back-burner until temps come down to a reasonable level.
Pool Time – If you have a pool, use it! Stay as damp as possible. Don’t forget your sunscreen! If the sun is blazing it can even burn you through layers of clothes so always put sunscreen on before you leave the house in summer or carry a bottle with you. If you don’t want to venture outside, try taking a cold bath or shower.

Heat Rises – It’s true. Heat rises so head to the lowest part of your home when the temps are spiking. If you have a level that’s underground, such as a basement or den, that is a perfect spot to camp out until your unit gets fixed. It’s even a great option for sleeping.
Leave Your House – If it’s going to be awhile until someone can get out to fix your unit, consider heading someplace cool. Public buildings such as libraries, malls, stores and movie theaters are always ice cold in the summer so they are perfect places to spend a few hours. You might even be able to get some errands or projects finished.
Animals – Never EVER leave your pet outside on days where the temps are spiking. This can cause serious health problems or even death. Bring them indoors, give ’em a ton of water and let them sprawl out in front of a fan. There’s no reason to make pets suffer. If you think there is, you shouldn’t have a pet.
Keep The House As Cool As You Can
No Extra Heat – Avoid using anything that gives off heat – ovens, dishwashers, dryers, cooktops, etc. Eat cold foods – sandwiches, fruits, salads – or head out to a nice, cool restaurant. Turn off or unplug all unnecessary electronics – lights, tvs, computers, radios, etc. The point is to avoid increasing the already hot atmosphere.
Fans, Fans, Fans – Ceiling fans, portable fans – whatever you got, turn ’em on. They don’t cool the air but they move the air so it FEELS cooler. Put wet cloths on your head and neck to intensify the cool feeling.
Sun Block – Keep your blinds closed and your curtains drawn. You want to avoid the sun splashing into your home and increasing the temp. When evening hits, crank open those windows and use your fans to draw in colder air from outside.
Eventually your until WILL get fixed but while you are waiting your turn, these suggestions might just save you from a whole heap of misery. To decrease the chances of your a/c unit breaking down, make sure to have your HVAC system check out by a technician before the summer season starts. Regular maintenance and care goes a long way in helping your unit run smoother and for longer. In the end, a little patience and a few of these tips will go a long way.
One last piece of crucial advice: Never, EVER, EVER leave your children or pets out in a car on a day with blazing temps!!!
Check This Out For Tips On How To Reduce Cooling Costs This Summer!
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