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How To Reduce Allergens In Your Home

There is a buzz of excitement when Spring finally rolls around.  We shed the layers and bitter cold for fun-in-the-sun and relaxation but sometimes the warmer weather brings its own set of issues.  For over 50 million folks in the U.S., season changes bring along a host of severe allergy symptoms.  These particles in the air can invade your home and make life simply unbearable.

While there is no stopping allergens, such as dust mites, dander, pollen and mold, from causing a ruckus on the outside, there are steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms indoors.

Air Filters

This is the best line of defense against the muck contaminating the air outside.  Filters can trap microscopic particles and create better air quality in your home.  Each filter efficiency is measured in MERVs, with the highest being 20.  Your filter should at least be a MERV 8 to successfully combat nasty particles.  Be sure to change your filter before three months to maximize air quality and keep your HVAC systems running smoothly.

Outdoor Unit

Your HVAC unit pulls air from the outside to circulate through your home.  Make sure there is no debris or dirt piled on or near your outdoor unit to reduce the chance of pulling in allergens.  Also check your unit for signs of mold.  Harmful mold can wreak havoc on an allergen sensitive person.  Vacuum and sweep around your indoor unit to reduce the risk of circulating dust mites through the air.  Be sure to check for mold around your indoor unit as well.

Check Those Vents

Most of the time when you are cleaning your home, you forget to dust off the air vents.  Use a damp rag so you don't push dust back into the air and clean off your air vents and registers.  Keeping these clean prevents harmful particles from collecting and being forced into the air you breathe.

Humidity Check

A spike or drop in humidity can cause as much discomfort as your standard allergens.  If there is too much humidity, you increase the chances of mold spores popping up and spreading but if the air is too dry, your skin will become extremely dry and your pores can clog.  You can use a dehumidifier or a humidifier to regulate your home's levels if your HVAC system isn't keeping up.  If it is a persistent problem that even simple machines can't help fix, you may need to revamp your HVAC system.

When in doubt you can always call your professional HVAC technician to come check your system for vulnerability to harmful air particles or to help clean your unit.  HVAC professionals can clean inside the units and spruce them up to combat upcoming weather changes.  Regardless of whether you follow these steps or call a pro for maintenance, you and your family do not have to suffer from out of control allergies kicked into gear by season changes.


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